Sunday, October 4, 2015

Shock and Awe! Rabbi Shmuly Supports Human Organ Sales

Rafi Farber emails:

A while ago I sent you an article of me attacking Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz for donating a kidney to an orphan while calling those who traffic organs on the black market "shameful", and generally being against a free market in organs.

Amazingly, and to my complete and utter surprise, Yanklowitz has just reversed his position.
Here is my original piece attacking him:

Here is his original piece attacking organ trafficking:

Here is his new piece now supporting a (regulated) market in human organs.

Here is my public apology, which I said I would pen if Yanklowitz ever reversed his position, which he has.

1 comment:

  1. An apology would only be required if you had falsely characterized his previous position. I don't think any apology is required from you simply because he did a 180 and changed his position.
