Tuesday, October 6, 2015

EXPOSED Bernie Sanders' Character and View on Rights

 Thanks to Walter Block and Rev. Larry Beane. The video was part of this exchange:

From: larrybeane
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 1:39 PM
To: Walter Block
Subject: Bernie Sanders on the NAP

in case you've not seen this...



Dear Larry:

This is MAGNIFICENT. Helfeld is GREAT. Poor Bernie; he comes off as an idiot. Here, Helfeld takes an anarchist position. Here, he attacks it:

May 11, 2014. Walter Block debates Jan Helfeld on anarchism versus minimal government; Jan Helfeld <janhelfeld@gmail.com>; Daniel Rothschild daniel.y.rothschild@gmail.com; http://youtu.be/58-YSENYuVM. http://www.lewrockwell.com/lrc-blog/walter-block-debates-anarcho-capitalism-vs-limited-government/; http://www.economicpolicyjournal.com/2014/05/walter-block-vs-jan-helfeld-on-anarchy.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+economicpolicyjournal%2FKpwH+%28EconomicPolicyJournal.com%29; Analysis of the Anarchy debate with Block

I hope and trust you don’t mind I share this with others.

Best regards,



Dear Walter:

By all means!  I "enjoyed" Bernie's attempt to intimidate once he thought the cameras stopped. Congressthugs are living the dream. As the kids might say: Marxists gonna Marx...

Pax et Libertas!



Yes, Jan’s funding is highly relevant to this (J). Jan also did a magnificent job on Pelosi on the minimum wage. Too bad Bernie turned him down on that one.


  1. In fairness to Bernie, his views, at least in this video, are no different than your average Minarchist's.

    (ducks Bush style from shoes being thrown my way)

  2. Pretty damn funny when he asks Feel the Bern if he'd like to do the show on minimum wage. True to his word, he doesn't accept. Not high enough I guess.

  3. Bernie clearly understands the argument and where it goes, so it tries to deflect it. This makes Bernie not just a deluded statist, it makes him a bona fide psychopath - somebody who understands that what he is doing is violent crime, and proceeds doing it without any remorse.

  4. Badges grant special rights. We know if an individual can't do a thing, than he can't give power to another to act in that same manner.
    But the State grants itself special rights to do so.
    In Lockean theory, man comes to society and grants some of the sovereign power he Hausas an individual, specifically the right of self defense to his property, which we understand to be his very body, to a government, to protect that body.
    But if this individual has no right to injure another body, then he has no right to grant it to another power.
    But the Sanders of this world, they take advantage of this grant, and, given that he has the power to arbitrate his own power, supposedly, through the courts that he grants payment too, think he has special rights to make subject others who have given? Him this power.
    He is a tyrant. All of them are. We should not give them our consent through voting, we should rather reject them whole heartedly.
    Sanders is a tyrant in waiting.
    But which of them are not?

  5. Badges do grant extra rights. They mean you're a cop with the authority to enforce the law.
