Sunday, September 27, 2015

Walter Block: Trump is Better on Drug Legalization Than Rand

Walter Block emails with regard to my post, Is Rand Paul "More Libertarian" On Drug Policy Than the Other Republican Candidates? 

Dear Bob:

There are two things Rand said, X and Y.

X = “I personally think that this is a crime for which the only victim is the individual, and I think that America has to take a different attitude.”

To your specific quote, actually, Rand continued during that part of the debate and said:

Y = I’m a fan of the drug courts which try to direct you back towards work and less time in jail.

Michael quotes X and asks you to match other candidates on X. You pull a switheroo on him, and instead of matching X, you match Y. Not fair.

The only single candidate who matches Rand’s X is Donald Trump who also calls for legalization. Here, Trump is better than Rand, in that he more explicitly calls for legalization.  The others you cite are irrelevant to X; they are only relevant to Y. That is, they are irrelevant to Michael’s point.


Best regards,


Walter E. Block, Ph.D.
Harold E. Wirth Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair and Professor of Economics
Joseph A. Butt, S.J. College of Business                
Loyola University New Orleans

Note: As per my agreement with Walter, I will not respond for at least 24 hours. But I will respond. I have a lot to say in response.


1 comment:

  1. Drug courts, a crime where the perpetrator is also the victim? Block is having a mental block. What kind of political principles use that kind of terminology?
