Friday, September 18, 2015

Rand Paul Calls for a Welfare Wall

I wonder where he got that idea.



  1. Given his 1% in the polls with absolutely nothing left to lose, he can now go deep Austrian.

    1. Do you think he really believes in deep Austrian ideas? Not that it would matter, at 1% it's too little, too late for anything- but I'm curious if you really think he's Austrian at heart.

    2. To Anonymous @ 11:48:

      I do not think he's Austrian at heart, deep or shallow. He is an equivocating politician, looking for angles to win a base, any base. I think that he simply uses talking points. Wenzel is right. Either Rand or an aid in his campaign said "Troll the sites and find something I can use to recover a portion of my dad's base."

  2. The only chance he has is if the other 1%ers (see what I did there?) drop out. With a narrowed field, he would have a chance to try to claw his way back. But, at the bottom of the large dung heap, he's done.
