Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Club for Growth Launches Attack Ads Against Trump

The neocon Club for Growth announced a $1 million ad campaign attacking Donald Trump in Iowa on Tuesday.

The ads are below:


1 comment:

  1. It's time to call out exactly what the "Club for Growth is...

    They are a collection of the worst of worst hedge fund vampires. They dare to call themselves conservatives, but they are the rot at the core of the Free Market.

    They hate Donald Trump because he made it clear they are one group that will not be exempted from paying a new, fair, tax rate.

    They are the SOB's who want open borders for cheap labor, and if it hurts poor blacks, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans - who cares? Certainly not the Club for Unbridled profits!

    Here's the deal CFG: you're out. The American people are going to elect Trump. He is our guy. You are the darlings of the Fortune 500. We will never accept a 3rd generation Bush! No more smarmy career politicians or failed CEO's. It's Trump.

    Get over it losers!

    We are going to win this time or we'll take the GOP apart, piece by piece and start over. GOT IT? Also, we'll make sure you are are blamed (by name) for the disaster, and we're assembling that list right now!

    Titus Corleone
