Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Poll: Sanders Ahead of Hillary in New Hampshire

This is bad.

Bernie Sanders has for the first time pulled ahead of Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, according to a newly released poll.

Sanders topped Clinton with 44% compared to her 37% support among likely Democratic primary voters, according to a Franklin Pierce University/Boston Herald poll.

Sanders has also been drawing massive crowds on the campaign trail, many time larger than Donald Trump crowds.

Bernie must be stopped by all political means possible.

Continued success by Bernie, even if he doesn't get the nomination, are going to result in MSM stories speculating on whether "America is now ready for a turn toward socialism."

The young kids will all be reading Marx and Mao, instead of Ron and Rothbard.



  1. I hope a libertarian well versed in Austrian economics gets into the race STAT. Rand Paul, the Tom Brady of politics, is deflating the movement created by his father. I'd settle for Gary Johnson at this point, even though he leaves a lot to be desired. The point is we need someone who can advance libertarian ideas and Rand isn't that guy.

  2. Would Sanders' "socialism" really be all that different from the status quo? Is he really going to advocate state ownership of all assets and property to be administered for the greatest good for the greatest number? Highly doubtful. The oligarchs and the Deep State prefer the "revolution within the form" of fascism, with at least nominal private property, militarism, strict gov't control, privatized gains and socialized losses.

  3. This all makes Rand Paul's pathetic attempts at politicking look even more pathetic. Seeing that he is not a natural BSer (like Clinton and Obama), why couldn't he have attacked THE MEDIA for protecting Obama regarding no nukes in Iran, Hillary installing jihadis in Libya, US support for ISIS and Obama installing Nazis in Ukraine? How could constantly pounding that drum have hurt him? The Republican base does have it in them to turn on Fox News as we have seen.
