...ops we didn't have to listen to the blather.
Here is his report:
What an unimpressive bunch!
Rick Perry was nervous and bombastic, desperate to get out his memorized spiel. He avoided answering the questions about immigration.
Rick Santorum said… Who knows/ Who cares?
John Kasich is a protectionist.
Lindsay Graham is, of course, a belligerent neocon.
Ben Carson is Dr. Cliche, though soft-spoken and uncrushed. His health-care plan is popular with the audience. It still is federally run.
Jeb Bush is the most impressive yet, not in his statist, warmongering talk, but in his look. It helps to have had government connected big money for generations. Nothing new, as with all of them. Even he has become an immigration restrictionist! The Donald effect.
Carly Fiorina, like all of them, has a canned speech as an answer. She is also talking about immigration. She is also scary looking. Talks about Benghazi, but does any voter understand it?
Bobby Jindal wants to get rid of “hyphenated Americans,” in the TR phrase, and criticized the use of “African-American.” he takes the neocon position against Iran because Israel disagrees.
Scott Walker also Mr. Cliche. Indeed they all are. He wants to send welfare programs “back” to the states, under federal control. Not cut.
George Pataki avoids answering what federal agencies he’s abolished, gives canned answer. Misanswers question about taxes, to praise veterans. Like the rest.
Rand Paul says he would travel as president first to Russia or china. Wants to make college debt payments deductible. More hawkish.
Ted Cruz attacks Iran deal with massive lies, and is the most belligerent neocon.
Marco Rubio denounces legal marijuana. Mut go through FDA process for medicinal marijuana. That costs billions, so he is prevaricatdsing. Even he seems to be for immigration restriction, though he is not. He attacks Uber and Airbnb. Does he have a lisp?
Rand asked about his libertarian Dad, calls himself a “constitutional conservative.” Says he is leading Hillary in 5 states. Wants fewer “poor kids” in prison.
Cruz gives Heritage response to Obamacare.
Rubio lists all the foreign groups under your bed. Talks about a poor background. Uninspiring, like Cruz and others who make such arguments.
Ben Carson, incoherent on picking a Supreme. Not persuasive on “what made Americs great.”
Scott Walker…so boring. Hard to listen to him.
Rick Perry (“Texas” created jobs) would cut…never mentions what. Wants the US to run all North American energy.
Bobby Jindal: we need to stand with Israel. Yes, a radical, different point of view in this bunch, and spend more on the Pentagon. “This is the most important election of our lifetime.” Right.
Lindsay Graham is endorsed by McCain. Wants to kill more Syrians. To send more troops to kill Iraqis and Afghans. iSIS is coming to invade and conquer. Wants to spend more and cut.
Carly Fiorina, like all of them, never mentions the Fed. Says Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac caused the financial crisis. More spending on military. Her first call as prez would be to Bibi, pledging her support, Then she would call the head of Iran and threaten death and destruction. Another Bibi call.
Rick Santorum against gay marriage and abortion. Endorses Lincoln as against the Supremes. Opposes taxing internet sales. Then blah blah blah.
John Kasich wants more welfare for those “in the shadows.” Tics in the way he moves his neck.
Chris Christie wants to make US provinces in the Middle East to be auxiliaries for the US.
Pataki remembers the political boost he and the government got from 911. Must crush ISIS. Arm the Kurds. References Lincoln.
Jeb Bush pretends not to favor Common Core. Stumbles over discussion of his father and brother.
Chris Christie is another neocon, blabbering about his experience as a federal persecutor. she looks small, as do they all except Pataki and Jeb.
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