Friday, August 21, 2015

Is the Pope a Better Showman Than Donald Trump?

When visiting the United States, the Pope has been considering entering by crossing the Mexican border.

Roll Call reports:
The pope's U.S. schedule includes an address to Congress on Sept. 24 and a meeting two days later with immigrants and Hispanic families at Philadelphia’s Independence Mall...

Last year, he called the surge of Central American children crossing the border into the United States a “humanitarian emergency.” In a June encyclical letter on climate change, Francis noted the “tragic rise” of immigrants fleeing poverty...

The Holy Father would enter the United States by crossing the Mexican border if he had the time, according to Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga, the head of a papal advisory group of cardinals, during remarks in March before a Georgetown University audience.


  1. The pope: a man in a silly hat. No more no less. Except of course to people who believe they need such a man to believe in god.

    1. He's a Marxist with a funny hat.

      I just don't get the continued faith in Marx. How many people have to die and suffer before these idiots open their eyes?
