Sunday, August 9, 2015

Ebeling Radio Interview on the GOP Debate and Real Policies for Liberty

Richard Ebeling emails:

Dear Bob,

I recently appeared on the nationally syndicated “Jerry Doyle” radio talk show discussing the GOP candidate’s debate on August 6, 2015.

Asked what my opening statement would be if I was one of the candidates on the stage, I outlined what I consider the principles and policies that a freedom-oriented candidate for the office of the U.S. presidency should offer and promise to the American people.

I also explained why I think that Donald Trump’s rhetoric seems to appeal to a significant minority of Republican voters, and why the content of his message has little or nothing to do with the ideas of individual freedom and limited government.

And I discussed with Jerry Doyle, the host of the show, how and what needs to be done if we are to move America back on the path of liberty and off the dead end road of the interventionist-welfare state.

The interview runs for about 18 minutes.


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