Friday, July 17, 2015

You Are Entering the Brainwashing Zone

Brilliantly done, but very scary



1 comment:

  1. It's even worse than that.
    The stuff they show here is fluff off the PR new services. Free scripts for local news outlets. Mostly harmless.
    The REALLY scary stuff are the harder news pieces from the Times or Amerikan Pravda, oops sorry, AP.
    There you get the mantra about the "Russian Invasion of Ukraine" for example. Very soon after the campaign starts, the range of opinion goes from "Did they invade because they're EVIL?" to "Did they invade because they want to recreate the old Soviet Empire?"
    Never once is it offered that maybe they never invaded at all!
    This is Tom Woods' 3X5 card of allowable opinion.
    I think it's interesting that they're trotting out Trump and Bernie to make it look like there's a choice. In the end, it's Hills of course.
    There WAS a choice in 2008, 2012, but we know how much coverage HE got. What was his name??? Rand?? Like AYN Rand?? Some nut I guess.....
    BTW, I know it was Ron. Sheeesh.
