Friday, July 17, 2015

Wow, WSJ Declares Rand's Presidential Campaign Near Death

From WSJ:
Signs of Stress Build for Rand Paul Campaign...

Sen. Rand Paul had counted on building from the grass-roots base of his father, former Rep. Ron Paul, and winning enough support from the Republican mainstream to compete for the party’s 2016 presidential nomination.

Instead, the Kentucky lawmaker is slipping in the polls, lagging in fundraising and losing some of his father’s loyalists over foreign-policy disagreements. Campaign metrics suggest he’s no longer a first-tier candidate after falling behind the front-runners on all those measures...

Drew Ivers, who was the Iowa chairman for Ron Paul’s 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns, is uncommitted so far in the 2016 race. He said Rand Paul has lost a substantial portion of his father’s following because he has deviated from his father’s isolationist foreign-policy view...

“Rand needs to be articulating the negatives of our foreign policy. But he has chosen not to articulate that,” Mr. Ivers said. “These kinds of things would energize his base but he has moved away from them.”...

.The Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll last month found 45% of Republican primary voters couldn’t see themselves backing Mr. Paul, the third-most negative reading in the survey behind Mr. Trump and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

He’s also seen a steep drop in other polls. Mr. Paul was drawing support in double figures throughout 2014. His support now is consistently below 10%, and a USA Today poll released this week showed him at just 4% among likely 2016 Republican primary voters.


  1. Hey, Rand! You sold out and saved Mitch McConnells senate seat and he didn't even endorse you. Next time you are up for election McConnell is going to oppose you again. Get a clue already.

  2. Thats what he gets for joining up with statists instead of standing up for real liberty.

  3. Wow, did Ron Paul's Iowa chairman really use the I-word or was that the handiwork of the War Street Journal?

  4. There have been so many teaching moments just in the last few years. Rand should be screaming about Obama, Hillary and Neocon support for turning Libya into a jihadist paradise. He should be screaming about the MSM cover-up of Obama, Hillary and the Neocons turning Libya into a jihadist paradise. He should be screaming about Obama installing authentic Nazis in Ukraine and the MSM cover-up of the same.

    He should be screaming about the west and its lackeys moving Gadaffi’s weapons to Syria to support Al Qaeda in its mission to destroy Syria and the MSM cover-up of the same. He should be screaming about how ISIS around from the same process. He should bite the head off of anyone who doesn’t know a Shi’ite from Shinola. The American people need to get a good face-full of their foreign policy. Good and hard.

    He should have been screaming about Israel’s slaughter in Gaza last summer. And again now.

    He should be screaming about how the Fed funds the endless wars through the unseen inflation tax and the MSM cover-up of the same. When people give him crap about telling the truth, he should get angry and tell them that they do not understand the first thing about the topic and they have been lying for years to the public. And tell them to STFU.

    Why doesn’t he tell the “pious” evangelicals that under libertarianism, they could live in their own private communities with private schools and never have to ever encounter a gay, a doper or a “non-pious” person.

    All of our opponents and the MSM lie all of the time about everything. All of the time. I think the people want to hear the truth. Rand is [was?] in a position to do that. He’s truly pathetic.

    1. TYPO: He should be screaming about how ISIS AROSE from the same process.

    2. Bob, right on all counts. And had he done this, he would have been unbeatable in his Senate seat for the next 30 years - he would have received financial support from around the country.

      He may never have become president, but he would have been in a position to continually challenge the dialogue.

      Look what his father accomplished in a few short years - from 2008 through 2012: questioning overseas adventurism and central banking became almost mainstream (I exaggerate only a bit).

      Rand could have done so much more for liberty. Instead he went for the poison fruit. He believed it could be had without danger.

    3. I grew up in the 50s and 60s in Detroit. I know it’s hard to believe, but there were a lot of bullies running around. Some greasers who escaped Detroit proper and moved nearby in the suburbs told me that when confronted with a bully to take a baseball bat to his kneecap. And then make him think you will do that every time you see him. He’ll probably leave you alone. Good advice, guys.

      Rudy was a bully. It didn’t take much of the truth to shut him up for good. That was EIGHT YEARS AGO already. All of our opponents are bullies. Krugman is a bully. Trump is a bully. Bibi is a bully. All of the Neocons are bullies. You’d think Rand would have learned how to deal with bullies by now from what his father did to Rudy.

  5. BTW, Wenzel called it. He said that Rand was no good for liberty and people were asking Wenzel to shut up. Well... Wenzel was right.
