Thursday, July 9, 2015

Why Isn't This Rand Paul?

WSJ headline for Karl Rove op-ed: Trump and Sanders, the Disrupter Brothers

From the article:
Mr. Sanders has gained about 250,000 donors and turned out huge crowds in Iowa, Wisconsin, Maine and New Hampshire....

[Trump's] message is aimed at conservative populists.

These are people who believe the country is going down the tubes and are angry that the GOP hasn’t stopped President Obama.

While 'disrupters' are drawing the crowds, Rand Paul is cozying up to Mitch McConnell. Please explain that Rand Paul fanboys.



  1. Robert Weezel's strategy to bringing this country closer to liberty: Bash the candidate most aligned with liberty because he's not a perfect libertarian (i.e. Rand Paul) so that a true neo-con wins the presidency (i.e. GRAHAM, Bush, Rubio, Walker, Cruz).
    Go Bob Go! For Liberty!!!

    1. No because he waters down liberty to triangulate his way to the White House between us, the evangelicals, warmongers and the oldsters. Ron didn't soften his message and it annoyed the hell out the others, Rand isn't even annoying them.

  2. I believe Rand will get less votes than Ron got. Maybe then he will see the errors of his ways.

    Had he been an actual proponent of liberty gee whiz! After Ron broke all the rules and paved the way, well, I honestly believe a person advocating the message of Liberty could have gotten the nomination. At least 2nd place rather than 3rd like Ron.

    Anyways, as always major props to Ron for doing the unpopular thing and teaching people about unadulterated liberty. Rand? Well, he's just another politician running another run of the mill campaign.

  3. Rand takes anti-liberty positions that calm the Liberty movement and preserve the status quo. An example would be reforming the NSA instead of abolishing it.
