Thursday, July 9, 2015

U.S. Air Force Secretary: Russia Biggest Threat

Russia poses the greatest threat to U.S. national security, said U.S. Air Force Secretary Deborah James following visits to U.S. allies in Europe. James also called for a boosted U.S. military presence in Europe, despite NATO budgetary constraints.

"I do consider Russia to be the biggest threat," James said in an interview with Reuters after a series of visits and meetings with U.S. allies across Europe, including Poland.

James said she was disappointed that only four of NATO's 28 members had thus far met the NATO target of spending 2 percent of gross domestic product on defense.

"This is not something that came up out of thin air. This is something that we as NATO members agreed to do. All of us need to be advocates," she said.

Wow, give this gal a military-industrial complex booster medal.



  1. So it never occurs to anyone that the way to get our "partners" to spend more is for us to spend LESS. But of course we know that's not the game.
    They (MIC) must have some serious leverage over Congress. It can't be just campaign money, can it? Really?? Blackmail??

    Must be the water in D.C. I mean this stuff is absolutely INSANE. I mean literally CLINICAL!

  2. Russia is a threat though! To total global US hegemony.

  3. Well just saw Laurance Vance said the same thing at the LRC blog.
    and he beat me too it.

  4. Huh. Last I heard from the gubmint, global warming was the greatest threat.
