Thursday, July 2, 2015

This is Why Bernie Sanders is a Big Problem

He is making socialism look like a sensible alternative to crony capitalism.


  1. "....making socialism look like a sensible alternative to crony capitalism" How they always do it. Blame their own system in order to make their system more powerful.

  2. Him and Trump scare the hell out of me if they're the nominees. Sanders' appeal reminds me how many people during the Great Depression started to turn to embrace Fascism and Communism because of what they "promised" (a job, stability, order, etc).

  3. My best guess would be that we already have a socialist (if not Marxist) president. We've had them before but crony capitalism keeps marching on. Lew Rockwell said it best and I paraphrase "they will never accept real socialism because it doesn't create enough wealth for them to run the empire" [Sorry for the butchered quote Lew]

  4. The numerous economic illiterates within the comment section of the link are disappointing, though not particularly surprising.

    "Blame their own system in order to make their system more powerful."

    Indeed. Judging from the comments section of the article one would think that the US is some free market "paradise". Unfortunately, I fear free marketers have already lost this ideological war. The majority of individuals appear to be too ignorant and/or intellectually lazy to challenge their respective politico-economic systems.

    1. At this point, it appears that the best anyone who believes in free markets can hope for from electoral politics is for Sanders, an avowed socialist, to be at the helm when the fiat money ship goes down.

    2. "At this point, it appears that the best anyone who believes in free markets can hope for from electoral politics is for Sanders, an avowed socialist, to be at the helm when the fiat money ship goes down."

      Indeed. However, it is doubtful that they will learn anything from the experience, insisting that Mr. Sanders "inherited an impossible task", and this regardless of how destructive his socio-economic would be. Unfortunately, despite their protestations to the contrary, the masses have always preferred slavery to individual liberty.

  5. The article is rather confusing to me. It states: "Overall, socialism charted the lowest of all the backgrounds referenced in the poll. Atheist and Muslim candidates ranked second- and third-lowest among the American populace, at 58 and 60 percent respectively." Does this mean that 58% of Americans would consider an Atheist candidate?! I've never seen such an acceptance of Atheism in the electorate. This poll seems rather unlikely. However, if these three were the lowest what were the highest?
