Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Stop Bernie!

Bernie must be stopped by any political means possible. He is spreading horrific central planning ideas.



  1. It doesn't matter. We can't even pay the existing debt. The system is going to crash. We're just waiting for the bond and currency markets to realize it.

    1. Well here's the trick. When all your cockamamie fiscal shenanigans finally blow up, you just pull out your trump card: WAR!!!
      They're already auditioning the Russians.

  2. Universal Pre-K?! The state really wants no parental interference in the indoctrination of children it seems. To any sane person, sending a child away from its parents all day at age 3 is lunacy.

  3. Hey, Bernie gets it. He knows that if you can shape the mind you can shape the culture. A government-run education system is arguably the most effective (and insidious) way of destroying people.

  4. My post @ 1:52 AM was supposed to be in response to zee788 @ 11:54 PM. My apologies for any inconvenience.

  5. Which one of the presidential candidates isn't for universal pre-K or some other program by which government gets its hands on the children at an earlier age? The ones that might object would only object on a cost standpoint and which unit of government should run it and tax for it.
