Friday, July 31, 2015

Ron Paul’s Passive-Aggressive Campaign Against Rand Paul

Olivia Nuzzi writes:
Ron Paul does not approve of his son Rand Paul’s position on the Iran deal, and he let him know Thursday evening in a speech that called him out—though not by name.

“Right now one of the big issues, you know, in the news, probably on foreign policy, is whether or not the Obama administration should talk to the Iranians,” the elder Paul told the crowd at the Young Americans for Liberty Conference on Thursday evening. “If anybody listened to any of my speeches over the last five or 10 years, I advocate diplomacy! A long time before you advocate war!”...

When the younger Paul first began testing the waters for a presidential run, in spring 2014, one of his pseudo-campaign’s central priorities, it seemed, was to dispel the notion that he was his father’s clone. The emancipation is now complete, but the effect has been catastrophic for his presidential ambitions. Being a watered-down version of Ron Paul, the evidence suggests, doesn’t make Rand Paul more appealing to other factions of the GOP his dad couldn’t reach—it just makes him less appealing to his natural base of supporters.

No one can know what goes on within a family, of course. But the elder Paul seemed to be sending a message to his son on Thursday evening.

At another point in the speech, he noted that in the presidential race, “There’s two individuals right now who have sort of caught the attention: Trump and Sanders.”

His son, who is polling at 6 percent—behind not just Trump but Ben Carson and Mike Huckabee—did not receive a mention.
Ron Paul is a man of principle. 'Nuff said.



  1. Sometimes when your kids don't listen you have to let them falter to learn the listen you were trying to teach them in the first place.

    1. edit: "lesson" instead of "listen"....there's probably a lesson for me somewhere in that mistake.

