Thursday, July 16, 2015

Ron Paul: Donald Trump ‘Is A Dangerous Person’

Yesterday, Ron Paul appeared on on “The Alan Colmes Show.” Colmes  spoke with Dr Paul about his new book, Swords Into Plowshares.

This is the exchange on Trump that took place between Colmes and Dr. Paul:
COLMES: Is Donald Trump good or bad for the Republican Party?
DR. PAUL: Well, I don’t even care whether he’s good or bad for the Republican Party, I don’t have much interest in that per se, but I think he’s is a dangerous person. And a lot of people find him sort of funny, and love him, even Libertarian types.
COLMES: Why is he dangerous?
DR. PAUL: They like him because he’s so disruptive to the party system, and I enjoy that too. But I think he’s a man that if conditions deteriorate, which they can, see I work on the assumption that the world is no more stable than Greece, and if those conditions come, people want to be told what to do. “And I know what the answer is, and I’ll do this, and I am the man to this.” And he comes across this very well, and people listen to him, and I believe he may be raising white horses someplace and he’s going to ride in. Because he is almost the opposite of a Libertarian, because it’s not like “I want to give you your freedom and your liberty to run your life as you choose. Your civil liberties are absolutely yours, you can’t hurt anybody, it’s your own money you can spend it any way you want.” But he sounds like the person, “I know the answers and I’m going to do this and I’ve done this, I’ve done this, this and this.”
COLMES: An authoritarian?
DR. PAUL: He’s an authoritarian and that’s the way he claims he made all his money. So I see that as dangerous.

See my similar take on Trump and Bernie Sanders: A Warning to Those Who Want to See a Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump Elected.



  1. I listened to the full interview of this and it was very good. Colmes is a lot better interviewer on his radio show than he was on Fox News.

  2. "They like him because he’s so disruptive to the party system, and I enjoy that too. But I think he’s a man that if conditions deteriorate, which they can, see I work on the assumption that the world is no more stable than Greece, and if those conditions come, people want to be told what to do."

    That was me at first too. I'm guilty.

    I enjoyed watching Trump bash everyone and everything and make a mockery of the system.(which deserves derision)

    Thing is, I never dreamed in a million years at the time(a month or so ago) that he'd be sitting in 1st or 2nd place in various polls.

    Now I'm actually concerned and not having as much fun.

    A week after the tragic shooting here in SC of those 9 black people in their Charleston church, when people started talking about removing the Confederate flag from the Capitol grounds, I made the mistake (among friends) of asking/joking if they were going to ban "The Dukes of Hazzard" too after the flag was taken down.

    That's right, I joked about it before it ever occurred....thinking it would never happen-that it was an example of stupidity in the extreme.

    Yet, I'm am continually surprised by the stupidity of the fickle masses and the effect it has on pols.

    In a way, that makes me stupid by extension, or in the least naive. I feel like Charlie Brown.

    1. I'm guilty too. And I admit it's a case of loving the "sin".

      I admit that I like the fact that Trump stumps the press - the media can't seem to destroy him.

      I confess that I also like his dismissing Sen. Lindsay Graham as "a lightweight" and saying Graham "doesn't seem like a very bright guy." I really like his saying that Charles Krauthammer is "a highly overrated pundit" and "wrong on so many things." I like that Trump called both George Will and Krauthammer "losers". Krauthammer's and Graham's foreign policy is so exceedingly tempting and dangerous, and they are both such smooth talkers, that I wonder if the only way to discredit their positions is by attacking them ad hominen.

      I do not think that Donald Trump will be elected President or that he will be the GOP's candidate. But is he really any more dangerous than anyone else? "If conditions deteriorate" like Ron Paul says, and Donald Trump were elected President, would he be any more likely to try to take over and tell people what to do than any other candidate who were to occupy the oval office? He's no more dangerous an authoritarian than is Graham or Cruz or Rubio...or Christie or Fiorina or Perry or Clinton.

      ps The flag shall rise again.

  3. I look at Donald Trump and I see Theodore Roosevelt, and several other would-be and actually-were tyrants.

    Shakespeare's precocious head rises once again. Different props, different actors, different vignettes. Same old story.

    Can't happen here? Already has.

  4. To a guy with $10 billion net worth (supposedly), becoming president is like becoming "the help." I'm not buying it. He would be bored and frustrated in an hour. He's not going wave his hand and change the Deep State culture or the trajectory of the country. I'm going with he's just doing a performance on behalf of his buddy Killery, who would be just as, if not more so, authoritarian as any of the current crop of candidates.

  5. Trump with access to the nuclear button is just scary, this clown would start World War 3 if a foreign leader insults his ego
