Sunday, July 5, 2015

Rand Paul Goes Duck and Cover

This is just sad.

A reporter asks Rand Paul a legitimate question about his take on Donald Trump's immigration comets and Rand runs away.

The Daily Kos reports:
Rand Paul again flees scene when asked about Donald Trump, Steve King, and immigrants

Helpful tip: If you ever want Rand Paul to clear a room, ask him his opinion of immigrants.
It was a straightforward question. Iowa Rep. Steve King said he agrees with Donald Trump's assessment of immigrants to America being "rapists," and Rand Paul is once again trundling through Iowa wooing voters to the Rand Paul cause, so a question on whether the Republican presidential hopeful backs Iowa's fine and frothy congressman on this one was inevitably going to come up.
This is a near remake of the tape where the brave Rand Paul flees a dispute between King and actual immigrants like King has suddenly turned into a peanut and Rand Paul suddenly remembered he was allergic to them

Rand just doesn't have what it takes.

In a presidential cycle where voters seen to be favoring the outspoken candidates, who are not every to challenge the establishment, you can't play duck and cover.



  1. While I agree Rand doesn't have the temperament to take any stand of consequence and I highly doubt he would have the fortitude to stick his neck out in a debate, i.e. explaining blowback to Giuliani... in this instance it's unfair to jump on his back. Watch the video. Before the subject of the question ever becomes clear, after Rand sees the camera and hears her tone of questioning, he starts leaving, calmly explaining he is just greeting a few voters before going to an interview, not looking for a debate or off-the-cuff interview. After he already turns his back and taken a few steps, the interviewer throws out "I'm just wondering if you agree with Steve King and Donald Trump...". After he started walking away, she could have made a throw-away question like "Do you agree that the Holocaust never happened?" then make a righteous, self-offended statement on social media saying that he was a Holocaust denier for avoiding the issue. You'd be just as wrong to republish such foolishness.

    1. As much as i think Rand is shifty, I think I have to agree with you here. And this article is published by the Daily Kos, not exactly a paragon of objectivity.
