Monday, July 13, 2015

Pope Francis Presents Communist Crucifix to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Before leaving Bolivia, Pope Francis placed two gifts he received on Wednesday from President Evo Morales at the foot of a statue of Mary. One of these, a chain with a chunky medallion, had the figure of the crucified Christ carved into a wooden hammer and sickle. This image had been drawn by Fr. Luis Espinal, the Jesuit priest who was assassinated in Bolivia in March 1980.

“This morning,” reads a statement issued by Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi, “Pope Francis celebrated Holy Mass in the chapel of the private residence of the Archbishop Emeritus of Santa Cruz de la Sierra. At the end of the Eucharistic celebration, the Holy Father presented two decorative honours that were conferred onto him by Bolivian president Evo Morales during his courtesy visit to the Presidential palace in La Paz , to a statue of the Our Lady of Copacabana, patron saint of Bolivia.”

(via Vatican Insider)


  1. This crap is getting so freaking warped and perverse that no review or comment is possible...

  2. I am not a big conspiracy/numerology person, but there is a lot of strangeness with this Pope and how he came to the throne. Supposedly Pope Benedict (though there's been no indication his health has gotten worse since stepping down) stepped aside due to poor health, but the aging Pope Francis is in poor health too. And Pope John Paul II was in terrible health for several years before he died while still Pope. Additionally, they announced the new 76 (adds to 13) year old Pope on the 13th day of the month in the 13th year of the century at exactly 13 minutes after 8pm local time. Christianity tends to decline with egalitarian movements like the French and Bolshevik revolutions and the Pope is certainly not preaching true Christianity in the traditional sense.

  3. I'm guessing the statue in the chapel is of our Lady of Fatima who is linked with the downfall of Communism. Thus the 'presentation' would be like saying, here mother, a symbol of that which you warned us about and helped overthrow in Europe. It's worth researching.
