Sunday, July 19, 2015

NyPo Declares Trump Toast

The establishment is going to continue to use Trump's words about a government trained but bungling killer (McCain broke both his arms after his plane was hit, when he ejected over Hanoi but forgot to pull his arms in.) against him, but lets see how the masses react before declaring his campaign dead.

As for me, I have no use for McCain or Trump or any of the current presidential candidates.



  1. "a government trained but bungling killer (McCain broke both his arms after his plane was hit, when he ejected over Hanoi but forgot to pull his arms in.)"

    McCain also has the distinction of not only graduating the 5th lowest in his fairly large class, but he has crash FIVE, yes FIVE different military planes with 1 being definitively his fault, 1 not, and the other three "inconclusive" with reference to him being the son of an admiral.

    Trump really did nail it by calling McCain 'stupid'.

  2. You know, I wanted to post one more thing about Donald Trump for the sake of discussion:

    First, let me say this is not an "endorsement" of Trump in any way, merely a post for discussion- but it occurred to me that if someone were to take a "Blockian" approach to candidates this cycle that if we looked at the statements of Donald Trump and compared them to Rand Paul that there might be a reasonable case to consider him CLOSER to 'libertarian' than Rand Paul.

    For example, Donald Trump has said the following:

    "There is something very nice about the concept of having a solid country filled with money backed by bullion.”

    Has Rand every DEFINITIVELY stated a support for a gold standard? I've only read that he said we should "study it".

    On foreign policy:

    "These characters, like Rubio, made a total fool of himself on Chris Wallace’s program, talking about ‘We’re better off without Saddam Hussein.’ Give me a break,"

    his campaign issued this statement in regard to his draft deferment:

    "Although he was not a fan of the Vietnam War, yet another disaster for our country"

    I would also like to point out that Trump and Ron Paul both felt strongly about "taking care of our veterans" after they've been in war.(regardless of the fact that said wars shouldn't be happening)

    Lastly, it's certainly the case that Trump is taking a "Hoppean" approach to immigration as well, I'm not going to link to his statement this cycle, but take this statement from his back in 2011 which reflect a Hoppean sentiment:

    'America's prisons house 351,000 criminal aliens who committed a crime after having already broken the law by entering American illegally. Making taxpayers pay for 351,000 criminals who should never have been here in the first place is ridiculous. The annual price tag to incarcerate these thugs is $1.1 billion.'

    I'd like to balance all the above with a writeup of Raimondo's last week that suggest Trump may be a "false flag" candidate:

    It's pretty well done and highlights some atrocious things Trump has said.

    Here's the thing though, if we look at the current "balance sheet" and compare Trump to Rand and ask ourselves who is "more libertarian" from a Blockian perspective, you might be able to make an argument that it could be Trump.

    Has Rand come out and said a gold standard would be ideal?

    Trump has called Afghanistan a disaster and called for a troop pullout, while Rand supported it in 2001:

    So when one "tallies" a board with pros/cons on two candidates to see where they are on a sliding scale towards libetarian viewpoints...and notes "flip flopping" under such a scale, who is "flip flopping" towards a more libertarian world view?

    Is Trump actually moving more towards a libertarian viewpoint than Rand?

    Who has sacrificed more for his viewpoints and is willing to stick to them out of some sense of "principle"? (and let's face it, neither of them are sticking to the NAP)

    Donald Trump has lost a substantial sum of money and stuck to his viewpoints on immigration despite Macy's, NASCAR, NBC, the PGA et al either breaking contracts or pulling business from him as a result.

    What has Rand suffered for his viewpoints? How often has he changed his stances to retain power?

    Again, this isn't an endorsement for Trump, it's merely a topic for discussion. (and I'm not participating this cycle, I probably won't participate again until the paradigm changes dramatically any maybe still not)

    I'm just curious what smart people(libertarians is general) think about such things.
