Thursday, July 30, 2015

New National Poll: Rand Paul Support Down to 3%

Going into the first Republican debate of the primary season next week, it looks like Donald Trump, Scott Walker and Jeb Bush are guaranteed seats, reports the polling organization Rasmussen.

Among the 13 remaining major Republican candidates, their levels of support are: Texas Senator Ted Cruz (7%); former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (7%); Florida Senator Marco Rubio (5%); retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson (5%); Ohio Governor John Kasich (5%) and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul (3%).

Four candidates earn two percent (2%) support each - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, former Texas Governor Rick Perry, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum who ran unsuccessfully for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012 and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal.  Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham and former New York Governor George Pataki each pick up one percent (1%) of the Republican vote.


1 comment:

  1. Although I despise them all, and say Down with the Presidency, it makes me happy that Graham is so far down there.
    Graham, you are a worthless loser. Thank you for running for president, your poll numbers cheer me.
    Now go crawl back in your hole you vile creature.
