Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Jim Carrey Is Not Wild About California's New Mandatory Vaccination Law

I personally have no opinion on which vaccinations may make sense to have and which ones don't, but the government should stay completely out of the business. And for government's to require measles vaccines is totally idiotic and evil.

Jim Carrey's view on vaccinations is even stronger:

Note well: He correctly labels Brown as a corporate fascist.


(ht Murray Sabrin)


  1. Good * For * Him!
    A breath of fresh air there!
    And yes, I REALLY like the "Corporate Fascism" bit!

  2. He's a left wing guy right? I say Progressive Statist.

  3. While Jim Carrey was dating Jenny McCarthy he witnessed what her child was forced to suffer as a result of the vaccination schedule that overwhelms the immune system of some young children, and he has decided the psychopaths must be stopped. Personally I do not care one wit what his political sentiments are, just that he has the guts to state his honest opinion that the governor of California is a fascist.

  4. Corporate cuckold carrey. The anti gun retard. Wants me to take his side in the vaccine wars....
