Thursday, July 2, 2015

Eva Longoria Compares Donald Trump to Hitler

By Robert Wenzel

According to former Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria, Donald Trump’s June 16 comments regarding illegal immigration liken him to Adolf Hitler.

Speaking at an event for the National Association of Latino Independent Producers this week, the 40-year-old Mexican-American actress said Trump’s immigration comments caught the attention of all Hispanic people.
She also said she has refused to respond to them until now, because she has tried to avoid contributing to their “emotional poison.”
According to the Hollywood Reporter, Longoria said Trump’s remarks about securing the border with Mexico, particularly his comments regarding immigrant rapes and other crimes, warrant a comparison to the former dictator of Nazi Germany.
“What I think he doesn’t understand and what people don’t understand is words create emotional poison…Hitler moved a nation with words, just words,” the actress said. “So you have to expect this backlash. If you say something like that, as he has said, you must expect a backlash.”
Longoria also said Trump’s speech “struck a cord within our community that touched our emotions so deep that I don’t want to contribute to that poison being spread.”
Longoria probably doesn't know it but she is taking a very Hayekian perspective on Trump. 
Nobel prize winning economist Friedrich Hayek would have agreed that words (and ideas) matter and he would also have agreed that the worst leaders appeal to the masses on a very simple crass level. 
Immigration is a very complex issue and Trump gives no indication that he understands any of the nuances. For him, all immigration is bad and his claim that immigrants are rapists and killers is over the top.
The key to a libertarian perspective on immigration begins with the understanding that no immigrants should be granted any government services or payouts, that includes welfare payments, unemployment payments, public school education, healthcare etc. but anyone who has a private property place to stay in the US should be allowed in the country.
The problem with current US government immigration policy is that it is government planned immigration that favors different groups from different parts of the globe at different times. And there are likely all kinds of hidden evil agendas with these programs.
A case can certainly be made that no one, including current Americans, should receive any  government payouts and there should be no voting, but a good place to start down this road is with immigrants. They shouldn't be allowed to vote here, ever, They shouldn't be allowed government benefits and there shouldn't be any "citizenship programs." But if they have a private property place to stay, let them come to work or play and stay for as long as they like.
(Source: Breitbart)


  1. As I believe Harry Browne once said: 'In a welfare state they are afraid of rich people leaving and poor people coming in.'

  2. Trump also doesn't understand foreign policy or free markets either but thats beside the point

  3. Well, we had a nice "guest worker" program in Ca. back in the day. I believe it was called "The Bracero Program"?
    Anyhow, it allowed immigrants, mostly Mexicans, to come to the US legally, work for some period, and then return home to their families with a stack of good ol' US greenbacks.
    The "hero" Caesar Chavez and his Farm Workers Union killed that.
    You wanna fix the immigration problem?
    1. Re-institute the guest worker programs (state by state).
    2. Get a judge to re-interpret the idiotically written 14th amendment to eliminate the "drop a kid and he's a citizen" madness.
    So, landscape work gets done, pregnant mama doesn't follow papa to America, California gets the cheap labor it needs, no new "citizens" with their welfare eligibility, no dangerous border crossings, and everybody wins.
