Wednesday, July 29, 2015

1944 versus 2014 or War versus Peace

Mark Carroll emails:

This is pretty cool. It's not really political, just interesting.

There are several WWII photos here from 1944 - just scroll down to see the rest. Either just click on the photo to toggle back and forth between 1944 and the same location in 2014, or you can left click on the photo (best to click on the left side of the photo) and then drag over to the right. As you drag, it will become a photo of the same location in 2014. Drag back to the left and you are back in 1944.

"The purpose of government is for those who run it to plunder those who do not." Thomas DiLorenzo

1 comment:

  1. What strikes me about these photos is how little the buildings and basic infrastructure has changed. The buildings were repaired (except one where they were removed and not replaced) but almost no new buildings. Even in the harbor pictures. I know this is not the same for the cities but apparently there has been little investment in smaller towns and rural areas. Centralization.
