Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Demonization Of Iran—-It’s Based On Middle East Politics, Not Fact

By Paul R. Pillar

As the nuclear negotiations with Iran enter what may be their final lap, diehard opponents of any agreement with Tehran have been leaning more heavily than ever on the theme that Iran is a nasty actor in the Middle East intent on doing all manner of nefarious things in the region.

Insofar as the theme is not just an effort to generate distaste for having any dealings with the Iranian regime and purports to have a connection with the nuclear agreement, the idea is that the sanctions relief that will be part of the agreement will give Iran more resources to do still more nefarious stuff in the region.

Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei sitting next to President Hassan Rouhani and addressing the cabinet.

Several considerations invalidate this notion, just on the face of it, as a reason to oppose the nuclear agreement. The chief one is that if Iran really were intent on doing awful, destructive things in its neighborhood, that would be all the more reason to ensure it does not build a nuclear weapon — which is what the agreement being negotiated is all about.

Another consideration is that if the United States were to leave in place economic sanctions that supposedly were erected for reasons related to Iran’s nuclear program, and to leave them in place to deny Iran resources to do other things, the United States would be telling not only Iran but also the rest of the world that the United States is a liar.

1 comment:

  1. The U.S. Federal Government has been a pathological liar since it's inception, and it's recent actions with regard to Iran are consistent with a 62 year-old policy of cutting the tendons of Iranian society so it can not progress naturally. Yesterday I read that in 1978 during the Carter administration, Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Ball, and Robert Bowie of the CIA all recommended that Washington drop support for the Shah of Iran and support the Islamic fundamentalist, Ayatollah Khomeini. The Shah of Iran claimed at the time that the Ayatollah Khomeini only had the manpower, and organizational ability to foment the coup d'etat because he was a product of British Intelligence.

    The Ayatollah Khomeini, and other Islamic fundamentalists have been used as a matador's cape since 1978 to enrage the American, in a similar fashion as caricatures of Adolph Hitler, Hideki Tojo, and Benito Mussolini were utilized as focal points for the unthinking rage of the public during World War II.

    The United States, and Great Britain have nurtured a plan that is over 60 years old to Balkanize the entire Middle East so it could be controlled more readily, and the plan is now moving forward at warp speed. The most devastating aspect of this plan is that we are actively being dismembered as well, and they will not stop until our physical bodies are nothing but excarnated remains awaiting burial.
