Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Rand Paul: Central Planner (Arming Pilots Edition)

Rand Paul has introduced S.1594, the Arming All Pilots Act of 2015.

The legislation will increase training opportunities to encourage pilots to participate in the Federal Flight Deck Officer Program. Specifically, the Arming All Pilots Act will expand the number of training facilities used for initial and recurrent training, including firearms requalification.

Additionally, the bill will require a five-day initial training, with two days of in-person classroom attendance and additional on-line training options. Recurrent training for officers would be set at two days every five years.

“The Federal Flight Deck Officer Program is an important element in our continued efforts to ensure the safety of airline passengers, and my bill will make it possible for more pilots to get trained and protect flyers. Pilots regularly tell me they’ve experienced problems with the availability of training under the current program; my bill addresses those concerns and ensures that participants in the program have access to licenses and the critical training they need,” Rand said.

The Act requires "initial  training to be in the form of certified online training administered by the Department of Homeland Security."

The Act also calls for the Secretary of Homeland Security to "prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to carry out" the Act.

Why should government be involved in the training of pilots rather than leaving training and choices up to individual airlines?

Rand is yet again exposed as a central planner, who likes to tinker at the edges of government regulation, but seemingly never wants to eliminate regulation.


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