Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Rand Crashing in New Hampshire

Very few are standing with Rand in New Hampshire.

A Suffolk University poll of likely New Hampshire Republican presidential primary voters found 14% back Jeb Bush. Donald. Trump is right behind at 11%.  Scott Walker and  Marco Rubio next, with 8% and 7%, respectively.

Ben Carson comes in at 6% with Chris Christie at 5%.

Rand came in with 4%.

Back in April, former Rand pollster Fritz Wenzel said this would happen.



  1. Wait a minute, I thought selling out was going to increase his reach? Isn't that what the Rand apologists like Jack Hunter told us? Rand's just playing the game he said after the Romney endorsement.

    Seems Rand had a short term political boom induced by selling out and is now experiencing a bust after he jettisoned the engine that made the liberty movement what it was, the ideas.

    Of course Rand's advisers like Olson knew that at the time (2012). Olson would get the movement's leadership to destroy itself for the regime. Rand and crew were ripe for the manipulation because they were greener than hell and none to committed to principle. Now look at the mess we're in. The movement is largely inactive not to mention the cessation of converts like we were seeing in 2012.

    The only way back for Rand now is to jettison the compromising and follow Rothbard's Strategy for Liberty in For a New Liberty chapter 15. That could get the band back together and increase our numbers for a potential victory in 2020 or 2024.

  2. The cardboard cutout of Rand now has more credibility than Rand himself, at least it can be recycled after the election; Rand on the other hand is finished in politics beyond the bucolic boundaries of Kentucky.

  3. That's what you get when you give neither real libertarians nor neocons reason to trust you. For neocons the alternatives are plenty. For libertarians the alternative is to take a nap as the rest goes to the voting booth.
