Friday, June 26, 2015

On Dylann Roof and Flags

By Robert Wenzel

The knee-jerk "We must do something" crowd considers the Confederate flag a problem, and cites as proof the wacko killings of  Dylann Roof.

Roof proudly displayed the Confederate flag in many photographs.

But it should not be forgotten that the Confederate flag was not the only flag that had meaning to Roof.

He on more than one occasion displayed hate toward the US flag.

This suggests that Roof viewed the flags as symbols of geographic rule. It suggests that he preferred the rule of the long ago defeated Confederate government over rule by the world's current dominating Empire.

Though I am not exactly impressed by any flag huggers, the reach of those that proudly wave the Confederate flag is extremely limited compared to those who wave the flag of the Empire. And make no mistake, there is plenty of killing done in the name of the flag of the Empire.

In terms of government  flag propaganda, the defeated Confederate government is no match compared to the Empire.

If there is a flag in the US inspiring killing and oppressive rule, it is the US flag. In comparison, the Confederate flag is a Mao suit. 


  1. The Confederate Flag came about when some people wanted independence from a certain government and wanted to create their own country - just as the 13 colonies wanted independence from England.

    If it is taught that independence is noble and just, then this should true in all situations, including the creation of the Confederate States of America.

  2. RW -your observations offer more evidence of the unfortunate trait in most humans to beat up on the weak kid in the playground. Until individual rights are respected no one will be free.

  3. By the looks of his shirt, it seems that Gold's Gym is a sign of racism too. It should be purged from society.

    1. Great comment. I was going to make the Gold's Gym comparison but you beat me to it. So this killer had a bowl cut, a Confederate flag, a Gold's Gym T-shirt, a gun, probably watches porn, probably takes drugs, but it's the gun and the flag that made him do it.

  4. I just read where the Gettysburg park has removed Confederate flags from the gift shop. OK, so the Union troops were fighting who??? I dunno. Some other guys I guess.

  5. The whole backstory narrative is fishy. So my link got moderated into the ether... Anyway, look at the guy's neck in these photos. This is sub-wedding photographer level photoshop. Gold's gym t-shirt? When was the last time you saw anyone, not to mention a 20 year old, wearing one of those? 1991? Rhodesia? 99.98% of Americans would say that was a mystical land in the legend of King Arthur. Now 20 year old "racists" are carrying the torch for Ian Smith & Co.? The whole thing is a ludicrous psyop. We are feeling the full force of the repeal of the anti-domestic propaganda Smith-Mundt Act.

    1. I wish I had the skills to analyse those photos. I thought "Gee, this guy's got one expression", but after reading you comment, I went back and looked closely.
      For all the world, especially in the second, US flag burning picture, his head is too small and the face is IDENTICAL to the first picture. I mean IDENTICAL. A person's expression should change a little between snap shots, yes?
      Hmmm. interesting.
