Friday, June 26, 2015

Old White Guys Against Trump

The Republican establishment is up in arms over Donald Trump's attacks against establishment selected presidential primary candidates.

Politico reports:
All jokes aside, the Republican Party is officially afraid of Donald Trump...

[I]nsiders worry that the loud-mouthed mogul is more than just a minor comedic nuisance on cable news; they fret that he’s a loose cannon whose rants about Mexicans and scorched-earth attacks on his rivals will damage the eventual nominee and hurt a party struggling to connect with women and minorities and desperate to win.

“I’m not excited about somebody as divisive as Trump or somebody as obnoxious as Trump being on the debate stage,” one RNC member confessed....
“If Donald Trump elbows out Carly Fiorina, for example, that would be a real tragedy for our side,” said Republican strategist Ron Bonjean.

Beyond that, there are concerns about what he’ll do once he’s on the stage — namely, go hard after the other Republican hopefuls and say incendiary things that will hurt the party.

In recent months, he’s said that Fiorina got “fired viciously” from HP and “got clobbered” in her 2010 California Senate loss to Barbara Boxer (she lost by 10 points.) He’s rippped Florida Sen. Marco Rubio as “very weak” on immigration. He’s called Jeb Bush “an unhappy person” and said he “couldn’t negotiate his way out of a paper bag.”...

And above all the RNC — whose self-assessment of the party’s failure in 2012 urged the importance of appealing to non-white voters, especially Hispanics, 71 percent of whom voted for President Barack Obama — is nervous about Trump’s rhetoric. He accused Mexican immigrants of being rapists and smuggling drugs in his announcement speech, and said at a January Republican cattle call in Iowa that half the undocumented immigrants in the U.S. are criminals. In 2011, he led the racially loaded calls for Obama to release his long-form birth certificate and, in April, blamed the president for the riots in Baltimore following the death of Freddie Gray.

Fleischer, one of the five co-authors of the RNC autopsy report, said Trump largely embodied all of the party’s problems with non-white voters. “When he says something irresponsible like getting Mexicans to pay for a wall, he will alienate Hispanics … he’s irresponsible, he’s divisive, he’s hurtful,” he said.

Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski responded to Politico:
Who’s saying this, old white guys? You’re saying you’ve got old white guys saying they’re concerned about Donald Trump’s messaging about illegal immigrants coming across our southern border. Wow, that speaks for itself.


  1. Based on Trumps public persona he will do almost anything for a buck, So it wouldn't surprise me if he is the democrats secret weapon against the repubs. What a circus!

  2. "Thou shalt not criticize thy fellow Republicans" saith the Republican Central Committee on party branding.

  3. Don't hurt the party. Lol! What a sick, twisted joke that is.

    And you've got to love that last paragraph.

  4. Yeah that 'don't hurt the party' really helped Ron Paul in 2012! GOP Field Marshall Reince Priebus was doing his best Joseph Goebbels impression in order to suppress Paul's popularity and steal his justly attained delegates.

  5. Republicans deserve to get beaten down again and again, until they realize they need to be what they claim to be. Until such time as they do, it doesn't matter who wins anyway.
