Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Meteorologists Dismantle Bill Nye’s Alarmist Global Warming Claims

By Michael Bastasch

Bill Nye the “Science Guy” is once again trying to blame global warming for a series of weather events happening around the U.S., but this time meteorologists aren’t having it.

Meteorologists criticized Nye’s claim that warm temperatures in Alaska and flooding in Texas are a product of man-made global warming.

As Tropical Storm Bill (no relation to Nye) was projected to make landfall in Texas, Nye tweeted:

 Nye has been been relentless in trying to connect such extreme weather events to man-made global warming in recent months, to the point where actual meteorologists who study weather patterns are fed up with him.

Read the rest here.

1 comment:

  1. The fires that started here in Alaska were man caused, and I don't mean man induced global warming. I mean idiots started the fires.
