Monday, June 1, 2015

Justin Raimondo Support for Rand Based on Incompetent FBI?

Justin's response to my post: That's It, I Have Had It With Rand Paul

Oh boy.


The last guy to say something like that was Ross Ulbricht.



  1. The State as a whole is incompetent. No news there. But an incompetent FBI makes them no less dangerous to Liberty, in fact, their incompetence makes them more dangerous. They can't catch "real" terrorist, so they create their own, and implement false flags, and they have the full force of the U.S. State behind them. They don't need, or rather choose not to use, warrants, they kill with judicial immunity, if they want you gone, you are gone. I've dealt with these rats, and they are just that, low life scum bags, thugs and criminals. Even worse, most I've dealt with think they are great American patriots. They believe in their crooked job, which makes them even more dangerous.
    Rand should have called to eliminate the FBI to 1,000, for starters. More police State? Yeah Bob, you are a tough guy to please. Keep it up.

  2. Didn't Justin come out against Rand Paul last month or is he still endorsing him?

    1. Justin flipflops on Rand about as much as Rand flipflops in general. He's desperate to have someone less terrible than the current statist crop, and is thus willing to take any bone Rand will throw him, though he can't bring himself to stick with Rand when he goes full warmonger. I think in his heart he knows no decent person will ever be president, but on an emotional level feels he can't just stand by while Jeblary swoops in and brings more death and destruction.
