Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Get Out Your Wallet...The EPA Wants Another Bite

By Chris Rossini

The U.S. government sure does its best to make flying an unappealing way to travel. Obviously, there's the TSA, which we found out yesterday is officially security theatre. Yet the groping and radiation will go on nevertheless. The TSA is probably deserving of an increase in budget

Here comes another alphabet soup agency...the add its garbage onto the airline travel pile:
According to The New York Times, the Obama Administration is set to put new rules into motion that would require reduced emissions from aircraft, arguing that the greenhouse gases they emit endanger human health.

The move by the Environmental Protection Agency would pave the way for the U.S. to join a global effort aimed at setting new emissions standards for planes. [...]

The E.P.A.’s action would come in two parts. As early as Friday, the government would announce its conclusion that aircraft emissions contribute to global warming, which is known as an endangerment finding. In turn, that would trigger the requirement under the Clean Air Act that the agency issue new rules governing airline emissions.
Long story short...get out your wallet. The EPA wants another bite.

Interesting that the government is using the "global warming" schtick on planes that we fly. After all, the U.S. military is well known to be one of the largest polluters on planet Earth. How about those planes?
The Times said the E.P.A. will focus only on commercial aircraft, leaving general aviation and military planes out of the new regulations.
Aha..."global warming" doesn't apply to the never-ending pollution machine called the U.S. military.

It's your wallet that they want....and you that they want to regulate.

1 comment:

  1. Regarding the inept TSA, on recent travel to the lower 48, one of my sons went through 2 security checks with a bullet in his back pack, that he uses when we go hunting.
    How did we find out? On the 3rd TSA check, they caught the bullet! There was a lot of weeping and gnashing of teeth by the TSA, until a Sacromento sheriff showed up. He wanted to know what in the world anyone would have need for such a huge cartridge, ( it was a .340 weatherby shell) and after my son explained to him that he hunted moose with this size gun in Alaska, the sheriff became more interested in Alaska hunting than the shell. He kept it, of course, and I suppose it is on his shelf at home with the other trophies he has confiscated. "This one came from Alaska!"
