Monday, May 4, 2015

Give Me A Burger-Flipper For President

By Chris Rossini

Every election season, we see the same tactics used by Presidential candidates to establish their credibility. They try to pass off business success as a reason to elect them.

Ben Carson was a neurosurgeon.

Carly Fiorina was the CEO of Hewlett-Packard.


Will they steal our liberty, or not? Will they follow the U.S. Constitution, or not?

In the case of Carson and Fiorina, they will steal our liberty, and will not follow the U.S. Constitution. They'll break the Constitution repeatedly, starting on Day 1.

Business success is not the same as political success. It's actually the opposite. In business, you must earn your revenues from customers who voluntarily pay you. In government, you steal from everyone. Taxpayers are not your customers, they're your victims. They're victims who can't escape your theft.

In business, you must be profitable to stay alive. Fail to satisfy your customers profitably, and the market pulls the plug on you. In government, there are no profit and loss signals. Just arbitrary decisions, made with no fear of going under.

Prior business-success says nothing about the type of President a person will become. If anything, when a person tries to pawn off their business success as a reason to vote for them, you should think to yourself, "Why wouldn't this person just continue to serve us productively? Why choose 8 years of crime instead?"

You know why millions flocked to Ron Paul when he ran for President? It wasn't because he delivered thousands of babies as a Doctor (as admirable as that is). It was because Dr. Paul campaigned like this:
“I don't want to run your life, I don't know how to run your life, I don't have the authority to run your life, and the Constitution doesn't permit me to run your life.”
Those weren't empty words either. Dr. Paul's 30+ year record in Congress backed that statement up.

Give me a burger-flipper for President, if he backs off and leaves us alone. You can keep the neurosurgeon and former CEO of Hewlett-Packard.


  1. Rothbard is great in this - "How can you attract good people in government if you don't give them a big raise? Who wants good people in government? They should be in the private sector... We want schmoes in government, we want people who can't find the doorknob"

  2. I'm voting to restore faith in government. I'm voting for Lewinsky's boyfriend's wife for president in 2016!
