Thursday, April 30, 2015

Enrollment Ratios at Elite Universities: Jewish, Asian...

(via @Gavin_McInnes)


  1. Many moons ago I was dating a hippie Jewish girl who, like me, grew up in northern california. Visiting her at UC San Diego once, I found myself in a dorm room smoking pot with a dozen or so Jewish undergrads who, from what I could gather, were 3rd or 4th generation Americans from mostly eastern european Jewish immigrants. Their fathers and grandfathers were all engineers, doctors etc but go one generation beyond that and we're talking about scrappy, nazi-dodging old-world types. This crew was affluent, educated, worldy and UBER LIBERAL. Most of them had been on "digging wells in africa" type adventures in their teens years; sjws all around.
    I sat there aghast at the anti-Asian sentiment in the room. To them the Asians were little goody two-shoes, teacher's pet, square, dorks who were also devious and underhanded, screwing up curves, clannish etc etc etc. And when someone brought up the Korean Christians it just got worse. I was genuinely flabbergasted. As the only goy in the room I bit my tounge, but I have no doubt that it was exactly the kind of crap their grandparents had to put up with when they were in college.
    I have also encountered serious anti-Asian sentiment among blue-collar hunter/fisher types in California, but it has a different flavor. With them the Asians are "stealing all the abalone" or "killing more than their limit" or (God-forbid) "not even getting a license". And that's just regarding stuff outside the workplace.
    I think both are example of Thomas Sowell's "Middleman Minority" phenomenon. What strikes me is the vast social gap that yawns between those two groups. They agree on nothing other than a distaste for uppity Asians. It's a little scary.

  2. Not to mention the Cal Berkeley limit on Asian students...

  3. Yep, this is pretty consistent with what I found in the undergraduates at the high-powered institution listed here that I attended for graduate school.

    Graduate school is a completely different world. Both more challenging and easier to get into than the undergraduate side. Credentials matter, but far less. It's purely numbers, GRE scores, grade-point average, undergraduate curriculum quality. I had a lot of high school classmates that went to mediocre undergraduate institutions, only to make it into very, very elite graduate schools.

    I've been joking for years that if you really wanted to get into any of these elite universities as an undergrad, just claim you are Jewish on the demographic section of the application. Unfortunately, you can't fake Asian. Do you honestly think all of these Jewish kids are top of their class, near perfect SAT/ACT scores, a million activities, award-winning essays, etc.? No admissions department is willing to seriously face the ire an uppity Jewish kid and their parents, even if they're barely literate.

  4. Strange. This chart is a bit confusing. It looks to me that N/J Whites are the lowest percentage in 11 of the 13. And their numbers are extremely low. I know alot of N/J white kids who attended these universities from my little town alone. Can this chart be right Bob? This, of course, doesnt break down by sex so N/J white men must be almost non existent in these institutions. Interesting.

  5. Vanilla whites unrepresented in the elite schools. Ron Unz has been saying this for years. His conclusion is that whites in the elite schools are discriminated against. Looks like their white privilege is malfunctioning.

  6. Yep, as Matt said, the great analysis of this is by Ron Unz (Jewish, Harvard), who says that Asians are systematically discriminated against, to the benefit of Jews by, in some cases, Jewish admission officers:

  7. The admissions process comes down to cultural affinity. Harvard has more perfect grades perfect scores type applicants than spaces available, so it comes down to "who do we actually want around here?"

  8. Did you know that the IVYs & other elite colleges give the Blacks circa 200 extra SAT points and Hispanics circa 150 extra SAT points, and, drum roll, dock Asians circa 30 to 50 points.

    Dan Kurt

  9. For 4 years, I served as a Harvard alumni interviewer (whose parents did not attend Harvard) for Harvard College. I participated in discussions with other interviewers from my county about every applicant. I am not opposed to some legacy admissions for applicants as long as those applicants are being accepted based upon merit. It would be idiotic to reject gifted applicants only because a parent had attended the elite university. However, every parent knows that it is difficult for even those brightest and most successful to raise children with the same values. The burden of proof for elite universities would be to show that legacy admissions are based upon merit.
