Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Carly Fiorina: The Anti-Hillary?

The latest to get a mention from the newly formed Committee to Unleash American Prosperity is former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina. She says she is "higher than 90%" likely to seek the Republican presidential nomination.

A report at WSJ by James Freeman about a recent CUAP dinner says:
Ms. Fiorina may be among the longest of long shots to win the GOP nomination, but at Monday’s event hosted by the Committee to Unleash American Prosperity she demonstrated an impressive depth across a range of policy issues. The former tech executive chose to focus on the crushing burden imposed on small business by the modern regulatory state.

Her compelling tour of the landscape included unemployed farm workers left nearly hopeless after endangered species rules cut the flow of water to California’s Central Valley. She explained how the Federal Communications Commission’s new Internet regulations violate the FCC’s own rules and would succeed only in “crushing the little guys” trying to compete online.

And she noted that even before ObamaCare, health insurance markets suffered from stifling regulation at both the state and federal levels. “Let’s try the one thing we’ve never tried in health care—a free market,” said Ms. Fiorina. She then compared bureaucratized health systems to the vibrancy of the tech sector that constantly delivers more powerful products at lower prices.
Although she sounds quite libertarian on endangered species rules, the internet and Obamacare. don't stick "Fiorina for President" signs on your front yard just yet.

She has been mentioned in a positive light by Bill Kristol.

Kristol said Tuesday on "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV:
"But the other candidates would have an even better chance … Fiorina has done a pretty good job … She's done some good damage to Hillary, actually."
Kristol doesn't support anyone who isn't a major war hawk.



  1. "She has frequently been ranked as one of the worst tech CEOs of all time." - Wikipedia

    Yep, she'll fit right in...

    [Born to greed - errr lead - I meant lead, honest.]

  2. Maybe she is running for V.P. Maybe she is smart enough to realize that the Republicans will want a (non-Palin type) female in that slot in 2016.
