Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Propaganda is Working

Bill Galston at WSJ writes:
The accumulating evidence from high-quality public-opinion research is hard to ignore. A Quinnipiac University survey released March 4 found that terrorism now trails only the economy as a top public priority: 67% of the American people regard Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, as a “major threat” to U.S. security. The public is not satisfied with the Obama administration’s response to this threat. Only 39% approve of the president’s handling of terrorism (down from 52% a year ago), while 54% disapprove. When it comes to ISIS, the public’s view is even more negative, with only 35% approving.

These sentiments translate into support for much more assertive policies. The Quinnipiac survey found that by a stunning 62% to 30%, the American people now support sending U.S. ground forces to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Those in favor include majorities of Democrats and independents as well as Republicans, women as well as men, and young adults as well as seniors. This result underscores a late-February CBS poll, which found 57% of Americans favoring the use of ground forces, up 18 percentage points since last September.
Personally, I am much more concerned about urban primitives than ISIS. They have attacked, robbed and killed more Americans than ISIS could dream of. But, like ISIS, they are government made. In the case of UPs, through mandatory government "education," price controls, welfare, etc.



  1. ... the American people now support sending U.S. ground forces to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Those in favor include majorities of Democrats and independents as well as Republicans, women as well as men, and young adults as well as seniors.

    Absolutely! And the very first to go should be the majorities of Democrats and independents as well as Republicans, women as well as men, and young adults as well as seniors who favor committing ground forces.

    May the ground force be [with] you...

  2. Well, that would be an interesting survey question: Do you favor military forces on the ground in the Middle East if it meant you and your family were required to go there with the troops? Where's that Dice fella?

  3. Disapproval of Obummer's handling of terrorism does not mean you approve of more intervention.

    What is stunning about the "stunning 62% to 30%, the American people now support sending U.S. ground forces to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria" is the 28 percentage points between 62% and 30%.

    Alex Z.

    1. They never learn their lesson do they Alex?

  4. These people LIE endlessly and yet the dumb fuck zombie masses but into it every....single....time. I suppose if the government and the media (aka: Pravda) told them to all jump off the Seas Tower they'd do it. I think these people really are THAT stupid.
