Friday, March 27, 2015

Climate Change Alarmists Are Getting Desperate

By Chris Rossini

As I've mentioned before, I believe "climate change" is the honeypot for the left, just like "the war on terror" is the honeypot for the right.

Both rest on perceived fear. Once Americans give in to that fear, anything and everything can be used as a pretext for more government power to protect you from terrorists, or from the Earth coming to an end.

Climate change has been a much harder sell though...Much harder.

First, climate change purportedly rests on science. Well, Americans are about as interested in climate science as they are in economics. With that being the case, the lapdog media has been trying to give examples that Mr. Joe American can understand.

There's the claim that free birth control would curb climate change, or (please hold your laughter) that climate change fueled the Syrian conflict, or that climate change will turn women into prostitutes.

None of these 'real world' warnings seem to be working either. Americans aren't buying it. In fact (and for once I'm going to credit Mr. Joe American) a new poll by Gallup shows that American fear of global warming has dropped to levels not seen since 1989. That's pretty impressive, considering the constant bombardment of propaganda.

So appeals to "science" never had a chance, and "real world" warnings haven't moved the needle either. What's left?

How about the fear of God?

It looks like the alarmists will at least give it a try.

Yesterday, and today, the shameless mainstream media has been peddling a story of an Episcopal Bishop who says that denying climate change is "sinful." Perhaps the Bishop got the idea from Pious Paul Krugman who last year said, "You can deny global warming (and may you be punished in the afterlife for doing so — this kind of denial for petty personal or political reasons is an almost inconceivable sin)."

So individuals, who use their own minds, to come to their own conclusions, are "sinful" if the conclusions don't jive with Al Gore's view of the world?

This is desperation.

Climate change alarmists are clearly running out of straws.


  1. "There's the claim that free birth control would curb climate change, or (please hold your laughter) that climate change fueled the Syrian conflict, or that climate change will turn women into prostitutes."

    Talk about desperate. LOL!

  2. The Story of Climate Change

    Chicken Little likes to walk in the woods. She likes to look at the trees. She likes to smell the flowers. She likes to listen to the birds singing.
    One day while she is walking an acorn falls from a tree, and hits the top of her little head.
    - My, oh, my, the sky is falling. I must run and tell the lion about it, - says Chicken Little and begins to run.
    She runs and runs. By and by she meets the hen.
    - Where are you going? - asks the hen.
    - Oh, Henny Penny, the sky is falling and I am going to the lion to tell him about it.
    - How do you know it? - asks Henny Penny.
    - It hit me on the head, so I know it must be so, - says Chicken Little.
    - Let me go with you! - says Henny Penny. - Run, run.
    So the two run and run until they meet Ducky Lucky.
    - The sky is falling, - says Henny Penny. - We are going to the lion to tell him about it.
    - How do you know that? - asks Ducky Lucky.
    - It hit Chicken Little on the head, - says Henny Penny.
    - May I come with you? - asks Ducky Lucky.
    - Come, - says Henny Penny.
    So all three of them run on and on until they meet Foxey Loxey.
    - Where are you going? - asks Foxey Loxey.
    - The sky is falling and we are going to the lion to tell him about it, - says Ducky Lucky.
    - Do you know where he lives? - asks the fox.
    - I don't, - says Chicken Little.
    - I don't, - says Henny Penny.
    - I don't, - says Ducky Lucky.
    - I do, - says Foxey Loxey. - Come with me and I can show you the way.
    He walks on and on until he comes to his den.
    - Come right in, - says Foxey Loxey.
    They all go in, but they never, never come out again.

    [Question: Can Nobel Prize be recalled?]

  3. Nooooo dickhead, a children's story.
