Saturday, February 28, 2015

What Michael Hayden Left Out...

By Chris Rossini

To all members of the warfare/surveillance state....make sure to learn from Michael Hayden's faux pas.

If you're going to call yourself an "unrelenting libertarian," DON'T FORGET the air quotes!!

It really does make a difference!


  1. "Air Quotes" rock !
    Send a memo on the subject to Rand.

  2. Two bunnies walk in to a bar...
    Dis is mi IQ...
    Simon says, make two shadow rabbits...
    Live long and flounder...
    1,2,3,4, who are we for? BIG GOVERNMENT, BIG GOVERNMENT, BIG GOVERNMENT...
    My head is this far up my ass...

    [What a sad, pathetic, little man. Only in America can someone like this, rise to this level of incompetence. Fortunately for all of us, his world is comming down around his ears, and soon he will become a footnote in history. Think how fashionable he will look when he changes his lime green tie for an orange jump suit. He has worked hard for it, earned it, and richly deserves the retribution he is about to suffer. God have mercy on his black, unrepentant, clueless little soul.]

  3. Yes, the air quotes make all the difference. I wonder how long he had to practice pronouncing "libertarian".
