Friday, February 20, 2015

Under a Tyrannical Government, America is on the Road to Serfdom.

Richard Ebeling emails:

Dear Bob,

I recently did a radio interview on the nationally syndicated "Jerry Doyle Show," on "Under a Tyrannical Government, America is on the Road to Serfdom." The interview runs for about 17 minutes.

I explain and discuss the ways in which government controls, regulations, and restrictions on personal and market freedoms are narrowing the liberty of people to manage and guide their own lives.

But I also suggest that ways that that very heavy-handedness of government is resulting in people choosing and finding ways to get around the interventionist-welfare state and take back degrees of freedom in their lives.

All best wishes,



  1. America has long since arrived at serfdom. Now it is headed towards totalitarian slavery.

  2. We are already serfs. We need to be on the road FROM serfdom.
