Thursday, February 12, 2015

This is the Kind of Warning You Get When the Modern Day 8-Year Emperor Comes to Town

From the San Francisco Chronicle:

Obama’s coming; expect traffic delays

President Obama’s arrival in the Bay Area will likely slow the Thursday evening commute for thousands of drivers in San Francisco and on the Peninsula.

Expect delays along northbound Highway 101 and Interstate 280 between the city and San Francisco International Airport starting around 5:35 p.m., when Air Force One is expected to land ahead of Friday’s White House Summit on Cybersecurity and Consumer Protection at Stanford University.
The White House has not disclosed where Obama will stay during his visit.


  1. Oh please!! Irritate the sleeping mass more!! Maybe they'll wake up and say:"Hey! Enough!!"

  2. What are they so afraid of?

  3. Remember when statists criticized police protests because they created traffic problems? Where is their outrage now?
