Friday, February 27, 2015

Bill O'Reilly: "I Don't Take Ron Paul Seriously"

A new despicable attack on Ron Paul via Bill O'Reilly is out. In the attack, O'Reilly completely ignores how Dr. Paul has advanced the liberty movement and calls him inconsequential.

Inconsequential? Ron has become such a  significant  figure that even Ron Paul-hater O'Reilly has to feature his hate for Ron on his show.

And think about this, years after Ron has retired from Congress, O'Reilly is still discussing him.  Is he discussing on his show any other former Congressional member on his show?

The clip is here.


  1. That's ok Bill we don't take you seriously either. IMO you're nothing but a two bit con-artist.

    1. Perhaps he should stick with what he does best like, oh I don't know, sexually harassing female staffers an then covering it up...

  2. This clip has the gravitas of a bunch of high school girls putting down a class mate.

  3. The irony is that O'Reilly says he can't take Ron Paul serious during a segment called "Would You Buy Them Dinner?" That's why Ron won't go on The O'Reilly Factor. It's not a serious news show.

  4. Ron Paul has done more for liberty in the past decade that most conservative big mouths have done their entire lives.

  5. Come on. O'Reilly is freakin' genius. He even understands Ka-Kneezian Economics.

    1. Absolutely, Bob. He is indeed a Got Dang Genius, like Forrest Gump.
