Sunday, February 8, 2015

ANNOUNCING: "Ask Rand Paul"

With this post Target Liberty is launching a segment that will give readers an opportunity to question Rand Paul.

Please post questions to Rand Paul in the comment section below and once a week the questions will be submitted to Rand's Senate office and his campaign headquarters.

I have no clue as to whether he will answer some of the questions, all of the questions or none of the questions, but the questions will be submitted to his offices through the 2016 campaign season.

I will post, any answers Rand provides, here at TL, and every week, I will also post the cumulative list of questions that Rand fails to answer.

No questions will be barred, provided they have any relevance. For those of you that are Rand supporters, this should be an important opportunity to ask Rand questions that will draw out the libertarian beliefs you think he holds. For those of you who are Rand skeptics, this will be your opportunity to draw out areas where you believe Rand deviates from libertarian principle.



  1. What libertarian position do you consider non-negotiable?

  2. Rand, do you accept and practice the non-aggression principle?

  3. Rand, do you plan on ending any federal departments as part of a plan to reduce the federal deficit?

  4. Do you agree or not with the following?

    No one may threaten or commit violence ('aggress') against another man's person or property. Violence may be employed only against the man who commits such violence; that is, only defensively against the aggressive violence of another. In short, no violence may be employed against a nonaggressor.

  5. Rand, are you pretending to support Israel in order to get elected, and then you will hold a non-interventionist foreign policy? If so, I'm voting for you.

  6. Senator Rand, Do you consider any of the wars where the US currently has troops or advisers, wars that the US should be participating in because they are in the "interest of the US"?

  7. Senator Rand, Do you believe that US military bases around the world should be closed and the personnel brought back home?

  8. Rand, do you believe that economic sanctions are acts of war?
