Sunday, January 18, 2015

Woman Thinks Reducing the Male Population by 90 Percent Will Solve Everything

From her interview with VICE magazine:

VICE: I assume The Ratio refers to your belief the male population should be reduced to between by 90 percent.
The Femitheist: I believe that conventional equality, with a 50/50 female-to-male ratio, is an inferior system. Essentially my ideas lead to men being made a special class—a far more valued class—having choice of a myriad of women due to the difference in sex ratio. That is my intention. Men would be made more valuable, and their quality of life would be dramatically improved. They would have a subsidised existence if you will, akin to going on an all-expenses paid vacation that lasts from birth to death.
Assuming people are down for that, how could you reduce the male population by that much? Are you talking culling or selective breeding over years?
Obviously men comprise a substantial portion of the victims of violent crime and participate heavily in war, so there will always be deaths there—but certainly not culling. I don't advocate selective slaughter or brutal processes.
So how would you achieve it?
Further research into designer babies will be necessary: manipulating gender or sex, prenatal sex discernment, sex-selective abortions, development of dual-female progeny (babies created from two mothers), and numerous other mechanisms will be utilised in order to achieve these aspirations. They won’t be enforced or mandated to achieve the goal in the short-term, but merely heavily encouraged in the early stages. Unless one opposes abortion, there's little ethical reason to find that too outrageous a proposition. The maths has already been done on all of the genetic and population-sustainment-related issues: population bottleneck, inbreeding, mutations, et cetera. Everything works out in favour of my ideas. I've been meticulous and cautious. I've had the work reviewed by people who are experts—or at least extremely knowledgeable—in biology and genetics, and I've received confirmation that it all works out.
That’s in theory, what about in practice?
It'll require the re-teaching of everyone—female and male—in classrooms, homes, through literature, media, art, and networks. It is a process that would take decades, generations, and perhaps even a few centuries. Nevertheless, these are things that should be done to forge a new and vastly superior world. My mission is to devise and describe a framework for the carrying out and success of such objectives.
What kind of men would you choose for breeding? Dou you base selection on physical or mental characteristics?
The most suitable men would simply be those who are fit in both body and mind. This is also related to genetic modification.
Genetic engineering is already taking place by way of tests given to couples when they marry to prevent the passing of dangerous genetic material. There is no doubt such concepts will expand as we understand more about how the genome actually works. Healthy and fit men will always be ideal, but not "brutes," which has more to do with mental attributes than physical. Anyone can lift weights. Any criteria decided upon as the quintessential grade would have to be extensively defined and revised as time goes on, or as science advances and the human species and its needs evolve.
Would men be kept in isolation like stud horses?
I believe we must remove men from the community and place them in their own specific sections of society, akin to subsidised or state-funded reservations, so they can be redefined. We can make not only men safer, but women as well. By subsidising said reservations through the state we can provide men with activities, healthcare, entertainment, shelter, protection, and everything that one could ever require in life. This will remove conventional inequality from society. By reducing the number of men to 10 percent of the total population, their socio-biovalue will be raised. They will live out their lives happily and safely, and male disposability will be a thing of the past.
But don’t men have value beyond breeding?
If technology has not advanced to a point where labour can be done without men, the few men that are necessary for said labour will be allowed to work on the outside of the reservations to complete whatever tasks necessary—if they wish


  1. "The most suitable men would simply be those who are fit in both body and mind. This is also related to genetic modification."

    This woman has no idea how the mind works.

    "development of dual-female progeny (babies created from two mothers)"

    Guess there is no hope for dual-male progeny? Biology is such a bitch.

  2. Lmao! Great twist on planet of the apes. If you make the !0% do you get hand feed grapes by beautiful women and stuff? I want to know the details of how the women ruling class would treat us.

    I might be on board if the terms are right...unless of course I don't make the magic 10%. Also, I don't want to be put in a cage and ogled at like rare species...knowingly anyway. I suppose if my female Lords give me land I can range over and observe me discretely it's cool.

    I just want to be stress free and well fed, like the the current welfare class...but on a mutually voluntary basis. (don't tell my wife please-I've a feeling she'll kill the whole deal)

  3. Sheee iss ALIVE!!!

    Sieg Heil, mein Furette...

  4. Yes I remember this insane bitch. Can you imagine the international outrage if she were a man calling for the extermination of 90% of the female population? But since the victims are male who gives a shit right MSM?

    This feminazi is just plain evil.

  5. This is obviously a silly send-up of feminist-statist cultism and some of the gender-obsessed dreck spawned by New Wave science fiction. I seriously doubt that it was meant to be taken seriously.

    Only mildly amusing as parody, but I did nearly chuckle at the following little "fatal conceit" moment:

    "The maths has already been done . . . Everything works out in favour of my ideas. I've been meticulous and cautious. I've had the work reviewed by people who are experts—or at least extremely knowledgeable—in biology and genetics, and I've received confirmation that it all works out."

  6. It used to be that science fiction movies and novels were based on ideas the would be utopia builders had for society. This gave us such films as "Things to Come" by H.G. Wells, "1984", and so on. But it seems today's would be utopia builders get their ideas from science fiction.

    In this case, fifth rate made for TV science fiction:
    (it's on youtube in complete form)

  7. At least her economics is sound: decreasing the number of men equals increasing their relative value.
