Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Two U.S. Lawyers File Defamation Suit Against Attorney Dershowitz

Get your popcorn ready.

Two lawyers representing a woman who claims to have had sex while a minor with prominent U.S. criminal defense lawyer Alan Dershowitz filed a defamation lawsuit against him on Tuesday, reports Reuters..

Former federal judge Paul Cassell and Florida plaintiffs attorney Bradley Edwards filed the lawsuit in a Florida circuit court, accusing Dershowitz of initiating a public media assault on their reputation and character.

According to Reuters, in a filing in Florida federal court last week, Cassell and Edwards said their client, identified as Jane Doe #3, was forced as a minor by financier Jeffrey Epstein to have sex with several people, including Dershowitz and Britain's Prince Andrew.

In their lawsuit, Cassell and Edwards said Dershowitz defamed them when he accused them of "deliberate misconduct and unethical behavior warranting disbarment" during several interviews with U.S. and international media outlets.

Cassell and Edwards said Dershowitz made defamatory statements in "reckless disregard" in order to support his claim of innocence.

The suit also cites an interview that  Dershowitz gave to CNN in which he called  Cassell and Edwards “sleazy, unprofessional, unethical lawyers” who should have known that their client is “lying through her teeth.”

Dershowitz told WSJ's Law Blog that he was “thrilled” by the development, “This gives me a chance to litigate the case. I can expose their corruption,” he said. “I can show how fraudulent the allegations are. This makes my day.”

It will be interesting to see how successful Dershowitz will be in using his considerable legal skills in the deep south, where the old boy network is probably very strong and not easily impressed by a fast-talking Harvard University law professor.

Who needs a second rate comedy by Sony about knocking off North Korean, Supreme leader Kim Jong-un, when you have real life antics surrounding Dershowitz opening up at the very start of 2015?



  1. "It will be interesting to see how successful Dershowitz will be in using his considerable legal skills in the deep south, where the old boy network is probably very strong and not easily impressed by a fast-talking Harvard University law professor."

    Bingo on this...I have personal experience in this regard. If Alan is thinking properly, he'll hire a big gun in the district this was filed in. He better not try to handle it himself or the good ole boy system down here will chew him up and spit him out.

  2. I love that people are shocked to learn that toture advocating alpha-male lawyer type gets his jollies by dominating vulnerable young women. Once you've proven your might to yourself by slaying all the dragons, why not rediscover the simple joy of lifting ants on fire.

  3. Donxon, I guess people are no longer to be presumed innocent until proven guilty? I'm sure you've heard all the evidence and have been selected by the court system to be in this jury, though. Surely you wouldn't be so ignorant as to accept the court of public opinion; not someone with as uncompromising sense of justice as yourself.

  4. I won't presume Dershowtiz is guilty, but I would not be surprised if the allegations are true. He is an ardent philisophical atheist, torture supporter, leftist, and statist. On rare occasions, Dershowitz has a thoughtful insight that is not bound up in his mental box.

    The sophisticated among this class of people (like Dershowitz) tend to lessen in their empathy and humility, because after all, what moral principle to them justifies them not getting their jollies off on a young woman?
