Tuesday, January 6, 2015

For the 1st Time Since Gallup Started Polling, People Say that the "Biggest Problem" in America is "The Government"

A new Gallup poll finds that Americans are fed up with ever-encroaching, corrupt and incompetent government, as represented by ObamaCare and other federal policies, reports IBD.

"The government" topped all other categories, including terrorism. "2014 was the first year ever in Gallup records that dissatisfaction with government topped the list," said the firm.

A glimmer of hope, although the masses probably think that the "right person" in charge will fix things, rather than that the government power centers must be dismantled and thrown on the fires of Gehenna.



  1. Also of note: the economy and unemployment are both at a very close 2nd and 3rd to government.

    That isn't easily dismissed due to media hype, as the narratives of terrorism, wealth inequality, crime, racism, wage issues, and national security are all in low single digits.

    Here's the Gallup page:


    1. Brandon, thanks very much for the link.

  2. Most of these people probably think the government "not doing enough". If "the government doing too much" topped the list of problems, that would be a silver lining.
