Friday, December 5, 2014

OMG Hillary Country Theme Song Released: "'Connects her with male voters'

The music video is the work of a pro-Clinton group called Stand With Hillary, which launched recently and is one of a handful of independent so-called “super PACs” seeking to boost Clinton’s potential campaign, reports The group is based in Camarillo, California, and run by Daniel Chavez, a longtime Democratic operative who worked on Clinton’s 2008 campaign and in the administration of former President Bill Clinton.

The group is planning at least four more similar videos — with one aimed at Latinos and another aimed at millennials.

Best reaction:


  1. Sorry Hitlery. I don't vote for feminazis.

  2. I've seen this type of crap know where?

    Christian "mega" churches.

    Here's the model: You put up a building(sometimes it doesn't actually even have a cross, or a reference to Christ symbolically via physical manifestation).

    They hold multiple services through out the week, including Saturday night where you can encourage "casual dress", etc.

    The services, & especially the music, remind me of this video. Usually the service includes plays/skits that are driven to supposedly relevant life situations, with music just like in the above video. There's a lot of feel good praise, not too deep intellectually, but mostly emotional feel good collectivism with a similar lecture by a minister dressed in jeans afterwards.

    A friend of my wife's used to coin these churches that have popped up all over as "Church Lite" I thought was pretty funny. It's a successful business model though, make no mistake.

    They really emphasize a weird form of collectivism(but at least it's voluntary) via smalller worship groups within the church structure itself. It is somewhat cult like....which again reminds me of this video.
