Monday, November 17, 2014

Recessions Are For Lab Rats

By Chris Rossini

So "Abenomics" didn't work, and Japan heads into another recession. Of course, mainstream media is shocked! This was all so unexpected.

Hey, chin up Japanese friends! We're all just lab rats in a central banker's world anyway. They run experiments on us, analyze the results, and then run some more.

They think they can do this forever.

Don't believe me? Am I just being too cynical? Are you too smart and sophisticated to be a lab rat?

I'll let a cheerleader for the central bankers tell you how it is.

Here's Joe Weisenthal on Mar. 5, 2013:
What's going on in Japan is inevitably going to be one of the greatest economics experiments in history…No matter what happens, this will be a great experiment.
If it all works, great.
If it doesn't, it will be a great lesson on the limitations of policy — which may either be technical limitations on what monetary policy can achieve, or limitations based on politics and will.
Sorry to break this news to you my Japanese friends. If it helps you feel better, we in America are lab rats as well. We get the hot pokers just like everyone else.

There is a silver lining for all of us though:

In 2008, the central banking mad scientists tripped and scraped themselves pretty badly.

Someday, they're going to fall so hard, that they're not going to get back up.

When that time comes...(and this goes for you too Japan)...let's Set Money Free.


  1. Well, if the experiment fails, they just re-up for more funding. We eat S#%^%T.
    Hey can't I even get some Cheese???

  2. "In 2008, the central banking mad scientists tripped and scraped themselves pretty badly."

    They tripped over Ron THE ROCK Paul. :D
