Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Poroshenko: U.S. Stooge

By Mchael S. Rozeff
Ukraine’s President Poroshenko is a U.S. stooge. U.S. stooges have some freedom of action, but they get pulled up short or retired when they stray too far. There is the history of U.S. advisers descending on the country after the coup. (They advised Poroshenko badly on the prosecution of the war.) There is the fact that Ukraine is in hock to the IMF. Joe Biden visited Ukraine last week and told them to form a new coalition government pronto.
Ukraine has a very serious inflation and currency problem, but Poroshenko is making war noises again. There are domestic pressures. Now, conveniently following upon Biden’s trip to Kiev, there’s a Voice of America article with the headline “Political Pressure Mounts on Poroshenko”. This can be construed as an intentional signal and pressure brought by the U.S. The VOA is fully funded by the U.S. government.
The above originally appeared at

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