Monday, November 3, 2014

Now There's A "Military Family Month"

By Chris Rossini

The Empire really wants to drill (pun intended) military propaganda into every American head.
  • Yes, there's seems to be a military national holiday every couple of weeks.
  • Yes, you're supposed to clap your hands, and throw roses at the feet of troops should they walk by you in the streets.
  • Yes, every major sporting event has a solid dose of militarism woven in.
  • Yes, you can't even escape militarism when you go out to eat!
Apparently, that's not enough! For today, Emperor Obama signed a proclamation that declares November as "Military Family Month".

Now you can take an entire month to study and emulate the unfortunate people who donate family members as cannon fodder to The State.

Do yourself (and your family) a favor and never take the bait like those unfortunate military families did. Learn from their mistakes.

Study up on the works of Laurence Vance. Visit The Ron Paul Institute and on a daily basis. Watch Ron Paul's numerous talks on militarism.

You'll never again think about throwing away your life (or the life of a family member) to The Empire.

Chris Rossini is author of Set Money Free: What Every American Needs To Know About The Federal Reserve. Follow @chrisrossini on Twitter.

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