Two delusional killers talk, from the book, via Drudge:
"In November 2012, Dad checked into Houston Methodist hospital with a bad cough. When Laura and I went to visit a few days later, he was wearing a brace around his abdomen and obviously suffering serious pain. 'How you feeling, Dad?' I asked. He smiled. 'It's not the cough that carries you off; it's the coffin you go off in,' he quipped. In typical fashion, he lifted our spirits.
His condition worsened in early December. The brutal, hacking cough turned to pneumonia. I called him often. I wanted to hear his voice and gauge his strength. At the end of every phone call, I said, 'I love you.' He would always reply, 'I love you more.'
"Fearing the worst, our family surrounded Dad. My brother Neil sat for hours at his bedside reading aloud to him. Jeb, Marvin, and Doro visited with their families. Laura and I made another trip to the hospital in December. This time we brought Barbara and Jenna, who was five months pregnant. Before we went in, I told everyone not to cry. I did not want Dad to sense our despair. As we entered the room, he could barely open his eyes and his voice was weak.
"'Hi, George, how are you? And there's Laura. Hi, beautiful.' He lay back contently as Barbara and Jenna rubbed his head. Then he reached out and gently put his hand on Jenna's pregnant belly.
"'There's death,' he said, 'and there's new life.' We all left the room sobbing."
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